Contract Holder Fees


Payable monthly in advance (unless agreed otherwise). This will be clearly displayed on all advertising and represents the value per calendar month of a property. The agreed rent can be subject to negotiation and may increase or decrease depending on your circumstances and overall property demand.

Default fee for late payment of rent

Rental payments overdue by more than 7 days will be subject to interest at the rate of 3% over the Bank of England Base Rate calculated from the date the payment was due up until the date payment is received.

Holding Deposit

As an agency we are not charging tenants holding deposits to prospective tenants


Set at a maximum of five weeks rent. Payable before the start of the Tenancy and held under a Government approved scheme for the duration of the agreement. This covers damages or defaults on the part of the tenant during the tenancy. It will be repaid in full provided all obligations have been fulfilled.

Default fee for late payment of rent

The Tenant will be liable for any losses, as evidenced by invoice or receipt, from damage to the Property caused by the activity, or failure to act, by the Tenant or their guests.

Missed appointments

Losses, as evidenced by invoice or receipt, suffered by the Landlord if the Tenant fails to attend appointments agreed by the Tenant and arranged by the Letting Agent or Landlord for contractors or others to attend or to carry out work at the Property.

Emergency/out of hours call-out fees

Any losses or additional losses suffered by the Landlord, as evidenced by invoice or receipt, as a result of the Tenant arranging an emergency, out of hours contractor call-out where the work was not an emergency, or the works were required as a result of the Tenant’s actions.

Loss of keys or other security device

Tenants are liable for the actual cost (as evidenced by invoice or receipt) of replacing any lost key(s) or other security device(s). If the loss results in locks needing to be changed, the actual costs of a locksmith, new lock and replacement keys for the tenant, landlord and any other persons requiring keys will be charged to the tenant.

Utility Payments

Tenants will remain responsible, unless agreed otherwise, for all utility payments, TV licence etc. Please refer to your Standard Occupational Contract for full information.

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